We wanted to explain, very telegraphically, that General Air does Heating & Air. Nothing else…
Shafer & Huguley Designs Logo for Western Carolina Regional Sewer Authority
We do it everyday…flush the toilet that is…and wash our hands…and, brush our teeth. But we really don’t think much about where that ‘dirty’ water goes. Well, it gets cleaned and redistributed into our local rivers. And for that we can thank our local sewer company. For most of us in the Upstate that has been the Western Carolina Regional Sewer Authority. A long name with little meaning and a non-descript logo that reflected little about what they do. When Ray Orvin, Executive Director of WCRSA asked Shafer & Huguley for marketing assistance we were thrilled. We went to work immediately to rename the organization and then design a powerful logo to enhance the name. After providing dozens of options, we boiled it down to a few and finally decided upon ReWa – Renewable Water Resources. The folks at ReWa are happy. The public understands more clearly what our sewer company provides. And well, the rest of us can flush easy!